Websites, apps, projects.
What would you like to create?

  • Web Development
  • Software Development
  • iOS App Development
  • Web Design
  • Product Design and UX
  • MVPs and Prototypes
  • Visualizations
  • Copywriting
  • Art Projects
  • General great advice

What would you like to create?

Get in touch

Who We Are

We're two cofounders and their network of collaborators based in Brooklyn, NY.

Toby Fox

Toby is not even a little omniscient, but he knows a lot. He does many things and also writes code. He would write code in his spare time too, if he had any. Toby is not a robot.

Robin Dogrucu

Robin knows what you're looking for before you do. She is extremely specific and extremely adaptable, and not at all mysterious - it’s just that you hadn’t thought of it like that before. Ask her for advice.

How We Work


Communication is the most important aspect of technology or design consulting, and we love this part of our jobs. We're easy to work with, whether you're a technical expert, new to the internet, or anything in between.

We will learn what you need and iterate with you until we get there, while being accountable, transparent, and responsive along the way.


We work with a wide range of tools and will pick a stack that's right for the task. Our websites and apps are modern, robust, and fast, with great SEO and analytics configured to keep you on top of how your project is doing. Just as importantly, the code is clean and documentation thorough, which means easy updates and maintenance in the future.


Creative and deliberate work with effortless, mobile-first UX and beautiful design. We make the stuff in your head a reality.

We can also forget all of this, and build something quick and dirty to bring your idea to life ASAP. That's fun too.